[PYTHON] I tried to make it on / off by setting "Create a plug-in that highlights double-byte space with Sublime Text 2".

This plugin itself can be switched on and off with the following settings. Because there was something that was highlighted each time when editing the text.

Create a plugin to highlight double-byte spaces in Sublime Text 2 http://qiita.com/items/865e1a6605b1146d4341

Well, it's not that difficult, just add if or something to the highlight_fullpitch_spaces method of the FullPitchWhiteSpaceHighlightListener class and do the following:


class FullPitchWhiteSpaceHighlightListener(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
    # highlight full-pitch white spaces
    def highlight_fullpitch_spaces(self, view):
        if view.settings().get('fullwhitespace_viewable') == True:
                             view.find_all(u' +'),

It feels like fetching fullwhitespace_viewable settings with view.settings (). Get ('fullwhitespace_viewable', True). If not, the value of the second argument of get will be returned. You can switch on and off by writing the following in the configuration file.


	"fullwhitespace_viewable" : True,
	//"fullwhitespace_viewable" : Flase,

something like that.

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