[PYTHON] Apache Spark Starter Kits


Those who don't know where to start to do Apache Spark.

Here are some links related to Apache Spark. I mainly speak English. The Edx course is highly recommended. It is very easy to understand because it is explained in the video and you will learn by actually writing the code in Python. I will keep you updated! Please comment if you have any other good resources.



Compile and Run Example

This post is 1.4, but 1.5 should be the same.

Edx Introduction to Big Data with Apache Spark https://www.edx.org/course/introduction-big-data-apache-spark-uc-berkeleyx-cs100-1x

Scalable Machine Learning https://www.edx.org/course/scalable-machine-learning-uc-berkeleyx-cs190-1x

Bigdata university


Slide share of Japanese companies (NTT people are a lot.


If you look for it, you will find various things, but what about it? I haven't read the following yet.

Spark summit


Meetup in Japan

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