Organize the flow from granting permissions to python users to make migrations and migrating

It is necessary to record to sql in order to create a branch for each person to move their hands from cloning with git hub, but this time I also described the flow to that recording and the troubleshooting because it got stuck. I will.

First, click here to grant permissions to python users

grant CREATE, DROP, SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE, ALTER, REFERENCES, INDEX on saku202010.* to python@localhost;


Then do make migration.

# python makemigrations register

# python makemigrations shop

This is done for each application.

I got an error like this.

スクリーンショット 2020-10-17 15.51.36.png

no changes detected in app ','

This does not change the database. It means "something" that you don't have to do anymore. In conclusion, it's OK to go to the next step.

yuota@MacBook-Pro-3 saku202010 % python3 migrate

When you execute migrate with スクリーンショット 2020-10-17 16.29.03.png

It's done! about it.

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