I tried to verify whether it would be fun to combine "programming" and "hobbies".

My job is an IT shop. I'm writing a program in Java or Ruby, but I want to find fun.

My hobby is cooking. When I'm cooking, I don't have to think about anything, I just move my hands, so I like it.

I wonder if programming can be done like cooking ...

Today's recipe is "hamburger"

** Hamba ァ ァ ァ ァ ァ !!!!!!!! **


--Seeds --Minced meat --Onion --Egg --Bread crumbs


  1. Mix the seeds
  2. Bake 1
  3. Boil the sauce
  4. Place the baked hamburger on a plate
  5. Sprinkle the sauce

It's easy.

Then immediately.

This time I will make it in Java.

//Hamburger cooking class
// -Each cooking process class is inherited as if it were
// -There is also a plate class
class CookingHamburgSteak extends Cooking {
  public static void main( String[] args ) {
    Seed beakedSeed =
        super.beak( new Seed() );
    //Boil down
    Sauce boilDownSauce =
        super.boilDown( new Sauce() );
    Dish dish = new Dish();
    dish.on( beakedSeed );
    dish.on( boilDownSauce );
    System.out.println( dish.isBeautiful() ? "looks so good!!" : "looks so bad..." );
    System.out.println( dish.isTaste()     ? "yummy!!"         : " yucky..." );

//Hamburger seeds
// -There shall be a class for each material
class Seed {
  // field
  private Meat meat;
  private Onion onion;
  private Egg egg;
  private Breadcrumbs breadcrumbs;
  // getter
  // (・ ・ ・ Because it is troublesome, it is omitted ...)
  // setter
  // (・ ・ ・ Because it is troublesome, it is omitted ...)

//Hamburger sauce
// -There shall be a class for each material
class Sauce {
  // field
  private Ketchup ketchup;
  private Worcestershire worcestershire;
  private RedWine redWine;
  private Honey honey;
  // getter
  // (・ ・ ・ Because it is troublesome, it is omitted ...)
  // setter
  // (・ ・ ・ Because it is troublesome, it is omitted ...)


Cooking with programming is not fun.

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