iOS 14.4 IDFA Summary

iOS 14.4 Validated with Xcode Version 12.3 (12C33)


OS isAdvertisingTrackingEnabled trackingAuthorizationStatus uuidString
iOS13 true - I was able to get
iOS13 false - 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
iOS14.4 true notDetermined I was able to get
iOS14.4 false denied 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
iOS14.4 true authorized I was able to get
iOS14.4 true denied 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

Other notes

--When isAdvertisingTrackingEnabled = false No alert is displayed even on iOS14 or later and it is treated as denied --requestTrackingAuthorization completion is called even if no alert is displayed --If you forcibly turn off the power without selecting an option in the alert, it will be treated as denied. --I wasn't sure about restricted, but is it okay to treat it the same as denied? --It seems that the value of isAdvertisingTrackingEnabled can be taken properly even on iOS14. --For now, it seems that you can get IDFA if you do not issue an alert ... ――I can't be relieved because the movement tends to change in a short period of time ...


--I checked it on iOS 14.2 and iOS 14.4, but it behaved the same (2021/01/07)

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