[PYTHON] Sort the elements of the array by specifying the conditions

#PHP 5.4.9

$ary = array(

function cmp_by_key($k){
  $cmp = function($a,$b)use($k) {
    if($a[$k] == $b[$k]){
      return 0;
    }elseif($a[$k] < $b[$k]){
      return -1;
      return 1;
  return $cmp;

#order by age
echo 'order by age'.PHP_EOL;
$by_age = cmp_by_key('age');
foreach($ary as $k => $v ){
  echo str_replace(PHP_EOL,'',var_export($v,true)).PHP_EOL;

#order by id
echo 'order by id'.PHP_EOL;
$by_id = cmp_by_key('id');
foreach($ary as $k => $v ){
  echo str_replace(PHP_EOL,'',var_export($v,true)).PHP_EOL;

/* output 

order by age
array (  'name' => 'aaa',  'age' => 111,  'id' => 1,)
array (  'name' => 'ccc',  'age' => 222,  'id' => 3,)
array (  'name' => 'bbb',  'age' => 555,  'id' => 2,)
order by id
array (  'name' => 'aaa',  'age' => 111,  'id' => 1,)
array (  'name' => 'bbb',  'age' => 555,  'id' => 2,)
array (  'name' => 'ccc',  'age' => 222,  'id' => 3,)


#Python 2.7.1
data =[

print "order by age"
for row in sorted(data,key=lambda x:x['age']):
  print row

print "order by id"
for row in sorted(data,key=lambda x:x['id']):
  print row
order by age

""" output 
{'age': 111, 'name': 'aaa', 'id': 1}
{'age': 222, 'name': 'ccc', 'id': 3}
{'age': 555, 'name': 'bbb', 'id': 2}
order by id
{'age': 111, 'name': 'aaa', 'id': 1}
{'age': 555, 'name': 'bbb', 'id': 2}
{'age': 222, 'name': 'ccc', 'id': 3}
//scala 2.10.1
var data = List(

//order by age
var by_age = data.sortBy( a=>a("age").toInt )
println("order by age")

//order by id
var by_id = data.sortBy( a=>a("id").toInt )
println("order by id")

/* output
order by age
Map(name -> aaa, age -> 111, id -> 1)
Map(name -> ccc, age -> 222, id -> 3)
Map(name -> bbb, age -> 555, id -> 2)
order by id
Map(name -> aaa, age -> 111, id -> 1)
Map(name -> bbb, age -> 555, id -> 2)
Map(name -> ccc, age -> 222, id -> 3)

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