List of libraries useful for ios application development


Introducing a library that is easy and convenient for ios application development. The library is installed using cocoa pods.

table of contents

1.Alamofire 2.AlamofireImage 3.APIkit  4.Reachability.swift 5.ObjectMapper 6.Cadable 7.Rswift 8.lottie-ios 9.PKHUD 10.GradientCircularProgress 11.Realm Swift 12.RxSwift 13.promiseKit 14.Bright-future 15.swiftStoreKit 16.Graphs 17.SwiftDate

Network system

Alamofire A standard tool for network communication from apps Simpler and easier to write than using the swift standard URLRequest AlamofireImage You can specify the URL to get the image on the network APIkit Can write simple code

Network connection monitoring system

Reachability.swift You can receive changes in connection status via closures and local notifications

Decoder system

ObjectMapper Standard as a decoder Cadable swift standard decoder

Resource definition system

Rswift It automatically lists the definition of resources such as source code strings using a structure.

Animation system

lottie-ios You can create rich animations

Indicator system

It automatically lists the definition of resources such as source code strings using struct. PKHUD Can display HUD GradientCircularProgress

Database system

Realm Swift Easy to write database code Since the app itself has a database and can be motivated by the database on the server side, the app can be operated even when offline. Relations are also available

Asynchronous processing system

RxSwift Can receive asynchronous processing events promiseKit Asynchronous processing can be realized simply Bright-future Asynchronous processing can be written simply, but there are few Japanese articles

Billing system

swiftStoreKit Easy billing process

Graph system

Graphs You can create graphs with a simple app

Date system

SwiftDate Easy date processing

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