I wanted to use JupyterLab + Java on Windows 10, so I tried it. Wouldn't it be nice if Java ran on Jupyter Notebook?
$ sudo pip install jupyterlab widgetsnbextension $ jupyter lab --generate-config $ cd .jupyter/ $ emacs jupyter_notebook_config.py
# c.NotebookApp.use_redirect_file = True
c.NotebookApp.use_redirect_file = False
$ git clone https://github.com/SpencerPark/IJava.git $ cd IJava/ $ ./gradlew installKernel
$ jupyter lab
Alternatively, create the following shortcut on Windows
When you execute the shortcut, JupyterLab will start up safely on the browser. Wow wow.
Launcher will be launched on the browser, so if you select Java, it will work for the time being. However, I don't know how to read the classpath.
If you can't set ClassPath, you can't do anything. Let's check how to set ClassPath for the time being.
Click here for how to set ClassPath. https://qiita.com/toritorix/items/6f1675166223960a1e85
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