[Java] use Optional instead of if (hoge! = null) {...}

I didn't know how to use Optional, but I understood that it was something like this.

I want to execute the method of hoge only when the variable hoge is not null

Conventional way


if (hoge != null) {

How to use ʻOptional`


    .ifPresent(o -> o.fuga());

Which one is easier to see? : smile:

If the variable hoge is not null, the method execution result of hoge is returned.

Conventional way


fugo = hoge != null ? hoge.fugo() : null;

How to use ʻOptional`


fugo = Optional
    .map(o -> o.fugo())  // Optional<?>Will be returned, so
    .orElse(null);       //Make orElse return the value itself or the default value (null here)

Is it easier to see the ternary operator at this level? : smile:

If the variable hoge is not null, call the method of hoge, and if the result of the method is not null, call the method further.

I don't know what it says. Look at the code.

Conventional way


instant = null;

if (hoge != null) {
    date = hoge.getDate();

    if (date != null) {
        instant = date.toInstant();

Or how about this?


instant = hoge != null
    ? (hoge.getDate() != null
        ? hoge.getDate().toInstant()
        : null) 
    : null;

How to use ʻOptional`

instant = Optional
  .map(o -> o.getDate())     
  .map(d -> d.toInstant())   

Which one is easier to see? : smile:

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