Amazon Corretto for Windows installation procedure

The second decoction of OpenJDK installation procedure for Windows --Qiita.

How to find out


--Supported Windows.


--If you download and unpack the new version of Amazon Corretto, just change the variable value of ** JAVA_HOME **. --Leave Path as % JAVA_HOME% \ bin.

Installation procedure

  1. Go to Amazon Corretto Production-ready distribution of OpenJDK. --Since the information on the Japanese version of the site may be out of date, select ** English ** from the top of the screen.
  2. Press the ** Download Amazon Corretto 11 ** button on the right side of the screen. -Transition to Downloads for Amazon Corretto 11 --Amazon Corretto. --As before, the information on the Japanese version of the site may be out of date, so select ** English ** from the top of the screen.
  3. Click the ** zip ** file listed in * JDK * on * Windows x64 *. --This time, it is assumed that you clicked ** **.
  4. Right-click the downloaded file and click ** Extract All *. - Compressed (ZIP format) Folder extraction * A window opens.
  5. In the * Extract files to the folder below *, enter C: \ and press the ** Extract ** button. --In the above, depending on the OS and browser, a backslash may be displayed after the colon (:), but for Japanese keyboards, a backslash is OK. --A folder called jdk11.0.5_10 is expanded directly under the C drive.
  6. Delete the downloaded file.
  7. Move to the extracted folder and copy the path from the address bar. --The path this time is C: \ jdk11.0.5_10.
  8. Open ** Start-Settings *. - Windows Settings * window is displayed.
  9. Enter environment variable in the search window. -* Edit environment variables * and * Edit system environment variables * are displayed as candidates.
  10. Click ** Edit Environment Variables *. - Environment Variables * window is displayed.
  11. Click the ** New ** button of * User environment variable . - New user variable * window is displayed.
  12. Enter the following and press the ** OK ** button. --Variable name: ** JAVA_HOME ** --Variable value: (Paste the path you copied earlier.) --In this case, you will paste C: \ jdk11.0.5_10.
  13. In the * Environment Variables * window, click ** Path ** of * User Variables * and press the ** Edit ** button. -* Edit environment variable name * window is displayed.
  14. Press the ** New ** button, enter % JAVA_HOME% \ bin, and press the ** OK ** button. -* Environment Variables * Return to the window.
  15. Just press the ** OK ** button. -* Windows Settings * You can close the window.
  16. Open a command prompt and check that the java and javac commands are available.
openjdk version "11.0.5" 2019-10-15 LTS
OpenJDK Runtime Environment Corretto- (build 11.0.5+10-LTS)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Corretto- (build 11.0.5+10-LTS, mixed mode)
javac 11.0.5

Don't miss it.

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