[GO] vim-quickrun-qo wrote

What is vim-quickrun?

A very famous plugin in the Vim area. A god plugin that allows you to run any source in Vim just by doing : Quickrun. Each part is modular and can be customized very flexibly.

What is qo?

Add a special comment to the source file for C /C ++/ ʻObjective-C`, A tool that helps build executable files.

I don't know, but it seems to be the origin of the Go community.

You can write like this:


// #qo LIBS: curl
#include <stdio.h>
#include <curl/curl.h>

int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
    CURL *curl = curl_easy_init();
    //A program using CURL continues...
    return 0;

Normally compile like this:

> gcc curl.c -lcurl
> ./a.out

But with qo:

> qo
[  0%] Beginning build
[ 50%] Compiled curl.c
[100%] Linked curl
> ./curl

What is vim-quickrun-qo?

A tool that supports build and execution with qo using the hook of vim-quickrun.

If you find the # qo directive within the first 10 lines of the source file, Hook : Quickrun to build with qo and run it on the fly. With qo installed, you can get the job done within Vim, even if you need a slightly more complicated build.

Installation method

Install using your favorite plugin manager, either Neobundle.vim or Pathegon To do.


how to use

nothing. Just install it, write the C source using the # qo directive, and do : QuickRun.

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