[PYTHON] Fabric became unusable due to an error → Improved after changing the version

The Fabric I used before pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: paramiko! 2.40, => 2.10 (I don't remember the version) Or, clang somehow came out and became unusable.

I didn't understand python, so I didn't like it, but it happened. I heard that changing the version used in pyenv from 2.7.6 to 2.7.8 or higher will solve the dependency of the problem, so I thought it was new information to grasp the straw and tried it.

pyenv install 2.7.8
pyenv global 2.7.8
pyenv rehash
easy_install fabric
fab -v

This solved it. I just replaced the version and reinstalled. The first installation was easy, and I was in trouble if there was something.

(It's easy, but I would appreciate it if you could try posting to Qiita as a challenge.)

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