A note on the libGDX Utils class

There are several utility classes in libGDX. Is it really convenient? .. .. I would like to summarize it because it is a great deal, including the survey.

Target version


Target package


For the time being, I will summarize the Utils system.


It performs Floating-point related conversions that comply with IEEE 754. It's close to an alias for the static methods of Double and Float. I tried to touch it, but it seems difficult to use. It is used inside the com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color class.

I think it's best to look at the float and double javadoc for details.

https://docs.oracle.com/javase/jp/8/docs/api/java/lang/Float.html https://docs.oracle.com/javase/jp/6/api/java/lang/Double.html#doubleToLongBits(double)


TimeUtils is a utility class for basic time manipulation. If you want to implement a common time operation instantly, it seems better to implement it after seeing the method of this class.

    // System.currentTimeMillis()Same as
    System.out.println("millisecond: " + TimeUtils.millis()); // millisecond: 1484574498965
    //Convert milliseconds to nanoseconds
    System.out.println("Convert milliseconds to nanoseconds: " + TimeUtils.millisToNanos(TimeUtils.millis())); // Convert milliseconds to nanoseconds: 1484574498965000000

    //Convert nanoseconds to milliseconds
    System.out.println("Convert nanoseconds to milliseconds: " + TimeUtils.nanosToMillis(TimeUtils.millisToNanos(TimeUtils.millis()))); // Convert nanoseconds to milliseconds: 1484574498965

    //Elapsed time from the argument(millisecond)
    System.out.println("2011/12/5 11:Elapsed time from 11 (milliseconds)" + TimeUtils.timeSinceMillis(TimeUtils.nanosToMillis(LocalDateTime.of(2011, 12, 5, 11, 11).getNano()))); // 2011/12/5 11:Elapsed time from 11 (milliseconds)1484574498976

    //Elapsed time from the argument(Nanoseconds)
    System.out.println("2011/12/5 11:Elapsed time from 11 (nanoseconds)" + TimeUtils.timeSinceNanos(LocalDateTime.of(2011, 12, 5, 11, 11).getNano())); // 2011/12/5 11:Elapsed time from 11 (nanoseconds)872694705378791


PropertiesUtils is a Util that loads the information of Reader instance in key = value format and converts it to Map. You can easily load it with information in the properties file.


    ObjectMap<String, String> map = new ObjectMap<>();
    PropertiesUtils.load(map, new FileReader(Gdx.files.internal("hoge.properties").file()));

Output result



ScreenUtils is a utility class for image processing that mainly uses the frame buffer.

What is Farmbuffer?

A framebuffer (frame buffer, or sometimes framestore) is a portion of RAM containing a bitmap that is used to refresh a video display from a memory buffer containing a complete frame of data.


So, if you interpret it properly, I think you should think about it as the memory area of the frame drawing information!

    //byte the default framebuffer[]Return with. The length of the array is screen width* height * 4。
    byte[] bytes = ScreenUtils.getFrameBufferPixels(true);

    //Reads the specified position from the framebuffer and returns a Pixmap
    int x = 0;
    int y = 0;
    int width = 0;
    int height = 0;
    Pixmap pixmap = ScreenUtils.getFrameBufferPixmap(x, y, width, height);

    //Generate Texture from framebuffer
    TextureRegion region = ScreenUtils.getFrameBufferTexture();

This class only works on the libGDX engine. Since the information being started is simply acquired, a nullpo will occur if there is no acquisition source.


BufferUtils is a utility class for processing that uses the buffer area, and its main methods are copy and transform. Overloaded copy and transform methods are provided for various buffer data types. There is also a factory method. (BufferUtils.newByteBuffer etc.)

    //Factory method
    ByteBuffer src = BufferUtils.newByteBuffer(1024);
    ByteBuffer dest = BufferUtils.newByteBuffer(1024);
    BufferUtils.copy(src, dest, 1024);

I've tried it, but it only works on the libGDX engine. For example, if you simply try to execute it from the main method, an Error will occur around BufferUtils.copy. Looking at the stack trace java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: com.badlogic.gdx.utils.BufferUtils.copyJni(Ljava/nio/Buffer;ILjava/nio/Buffer;II)V ... apparently ...


This class currently has only yield methods as of 1.9.5 and this implementation I think that there is no usage scene because it only calls the yield of java.lang.Thread. Rather, it is difficult to judge the usage scene.

According to javadoc in java.lang.Thread https://docs.oracle.com/javase/jp/8/docs/api/java/lang/Thread.html

public static void yield() A hint to the scheduler that the current thread is ready to yield the current processor usage. The scheduler can ignore this hint. Concessions are heuristic attempts to improve relative progress between threads that would otherwise overuse CPU. When using it, you should also combine detailed profiles and benchmarks to make sure that you are actually getting the desired effect.

There are rare opportunities to use this method. This can be useful for debugging and testing purposes (it can be useful for reproducing bugs due to race conditions). This can also be useful when designing concurrency control components, such as those in the java.util.concurrent.locks package.

The yield method seems to make a native call and notify the scheduler. 


StreamUtils is not a Stream API, but a utility class for manipulating the Stream interface for file I / O.

    Path tmpFile = Files.createTempFile(Paths.get("").toAbsolutePath(), "tmp", "file");
    StreamUtils.copyStream(Gdx.files.internal("hoge.properties").read(), new FileOutputStream(tmpFile.getFileName().toString()));
    InputStream is = Gdx.files.internal("hoge.properties").read();

    //Convert to String
    String streamToString = StreamUtils.copyStreamToString(is);
    System.out.println("streamToString" + streamToString);

    //close process

closeQuietly is also in IOUtils of Apache Commons. If it is Java SE 7 or later, it will not be very active because there are try-with-resources, but before that, it is a nice guy to reduce the description of redundant close processing.


It seems that TimeUtils, PropertiesUtils, and StreamUtils can be used immediately. Other than that, the layers used are limited, or it seems that it is not used in client implementation.

This time I limited my research to XXXUtils, but com.balogic.gdx.utils There are various APIs such as com.balogic.gdx.utils.async, collection API, Json, XML operation, text formatting API, etc., so I think I'll summarize them if I feel like it in another article. ..

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