[PYTHON] Get data using Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications API

Get data using Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications API

I took the data in Python to create the panel data for econometrics. (It is a memorandum)


Python runtime environment Acquisition of Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications API You can get it by registering as a user from here.



import requests,urllib
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import json
def get_json(base_url,params):
    return json

def take_data(dataid):
    appID="Enter the appID"

    return data



json format data is converted url is http://api.e-stat.go.jp/rest/2.1/app/getStatsData?appId=1lang=J&statsDataId=(Enter the data ID here) & metaGetFlg = Y & cntGetFlg = N & sectionHeaderFlg = 1 The above format. You can easily refer to the API request URL from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications website.



#Convert json data to pandas DataFrame(Example)

Store the desired data in the DataFrame.


You can see what data is in json with the above code.

Now you have a DataFrame that is easy to operate


It was easier to use than the Twitter API, so I'll do my best to make more details.

I am a beginner in Python, so please point out any mistakes.

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