[PYTHON] About text encryption (AES encryption)

This is the first post!

While studying Python, I want to do password encryption! I thought about it. It seems that pycrypto is famous as an encryption package, and it could be installed in Anaconda, so this time I will use pycrypto to summarize AES encryption of strings.


The links I referred to when learning AES encryption are as follows. https://blanktar.jp/blog/2013/04/python-crypto-aes.html https://ujise.com/2019/08/23/post-1869/ https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard


Now, the actual code. The code below passes the text of the password and encrypts and decrypts it. The encrypted data is stored as password_data_file.


from Crypto.Cipher import AES

#Key setting function
def create_key(KeyWord):
    key_size = 32
    KeySizeFill = KeyWord.zfill(key_size)
    Key = KeySizeFill[:key_size].encode('utf-8')
    return Key

#Password encryption function
def encryptOn(PassWord, KeyWord):
    iv = "1234567890123456"   #Initialization vector setting
    Key = create_key(KeyWord) #Key setting

    obj = AES.new(Key, AES.MODE_CFB, iv)
    ret_bytes = obj.encrypt(IPassWord) #Password encryption
    #Output of encrypted file
    OFileName = "password_data_file"
    with open(OFileName, mode='wb') as f:

#Password compounding function
def encryptOff(KeyWord):
    #Read password file
    PassFile = "password_data_file"  
    with open(PassFile, 'rb') as f:
        EnPass = f.read() #Encrypted password

    iv = "1234567890123456"   #Initialization vector setting
    key = create_key(KeyWord) #Key setting

    obj = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CFB, iv)
    OPassword = obj.decrypt(Pass).decode('utf-8') #Password compounding

    return OPassword

if __name__ == '__main__':
    IPassWord = "modelPass"
    KeyWord = "login_file"
    #Cryptographic function call
    encryptOn(IPassWord, KeyWord)
    #Complex function call
    OPassWord = encryptOff(KeyWord)



When you first look at the reference code, it's complicated ~ do you understand? I thought, but it's unexpectedly simple logic. Since the key and vector are simply written directly, it must be changed for each encryption.

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