Organize your in-house development environment

Since I was transferred to the system department in the company, make a note of the development environment.

development language

** ・ typescript ** Developed and maintained by Microsoft When compiled, it becomes the JavaScript source code Typescript can also be used if the environment is currently running JavaScript code

** ・ Scala ** Positioned as a successor to Java, a language that inherits the goodness of Java and absorbs the merits of scripting languages and functional languages

** ・ Because. js ** JavaScript running on the server side Suitable for processing that acquires a large amount of information from a database and displays it on a Web page. Can be operated from the command line Non-blocking processing is possible

Version control tool


** ・ Play Framework ** Java framework Adopt MVC model

** ・ Angular ** JavaScript framework Developed by Google and the personal and corporate communities Competitive image of React.js (this is developed by Facebook)

Integrated development environment

** ・ IntelliJ IDEA ** Developed by a company called JetBrains Eclipse conflict


Amazon Aurora Amazon's cloud relational database Commands that are compatible with MySQL 5.6, that is, work with SQL 5.6, also work with Amazon Aurora Also, MariaDB is almost equal to MySQL, so it's compatible with this too.

Database management tool

MySQL Workbench It can be used as a GUI, a free tool that realizes database design, development, and management, which is distributed on the official MySQL website. Image of conflict with Adminer etc. (MySQL Workbench is software, but Adminer can be tampered with with a browser)

Source control tool

** ・ Bitbucket ** Web services that make Git easier to use Competitive image on GitHub Unlike GitHub, you can manage private repositories for free

** ・ SourceTree ** Works with source control tools such as BitBucket and GitHub Git operation can be done as GUI on software Gitflow A rigorous branch model designed for project releases. The repository dropped from Git is called the completed repository (called master, which should be monitored by the project administrator) to be reflected in the production environment, and the almost completed repository (called develop) just before it is reflected in the production environment. Branches into repositories (repositories that each member has tampered with), repositories that are used for repairs and bugs (called feature branches. Repositories that each member is touching). Reference!workflow-gitflow

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