Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, open'/usr/src/app/src/App.vue'

When I did npm run serve, I got an operation not permitted.

Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, open '/usr/src/app/src/App.vue'

When I try to build the vue-cli app, I get an error. Dependency installation and app serving were working fine.


npm install -g @vue/cli --cache /tmp/empty-cache

Solved by the above command.


$ npm --version
$ @vue/cli 4.5.8

Cause of what happened

スクリーンショット 2020-11-15 13.45.26.png

Looking at the Vue CLI Issue, everyone seems to be doing npm cache clean force.

What happened this time was that I thought "building doesn't take long", so I did a reboot that I hadn't done recently. ↑ Don't get angry lol

Then I got this Error. I honestly don't know the reason. If anyone can understand it, I would appreciate it if you could teach me.

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