Knowledge required for object-oriented refactoring


We will continue to add things that we think are necessary for refactoring in Java. The books I referred to are as follows.

Principles to be aware of

--DRY (Do n’t Repeat Your Self) Principle

Prerequisite knowledge

--Basic understanding of OOP (Object Oriented Programming) --Relationship between class and instance --Access modifier --Inheritance (abstract classes and interfaces) --Override, overload --Local variables, instance variables, static variables (class variables)

Definition of refactoring

About the test

Unit test definition

Purpose of refactoring


Ominous odor (possibility of refactoring)

An ominous odor is the part of the code that needs to be refactored. The scent is a knack for sensuously feeling the "difficult to understand," "difficult to modify," and "difficult to expand" parts of a program.

See List of "Ominous Smell" Suggesting Refactoring Possibility

Refactoring Catalog

"Refactoring" by Martin Fowler A catalog of refactoring methods published by ThoughtWorks, to which

A partial excerpt from a frequently-used catalog See Refactoring Catalog (Excerpt)

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