"CheckiO" where you can study Python while solving problems

Do you know CheckiO?

I registered for a game (?) Called ** CheckiO **, so I will briefly introduce it. Some people may ask, "Is it now?" Please forgive me. .. ..

What is CheckiO

A web service that allows you to learn programming as if you were playing a game. The first thing that looks like a game is the UI. ↓ checkio.png

As a rough flow

  1. Solve the problem
  2. Level goes up
  3. More problems can be challenged It is, but it is a game around a few.

The problem itself is simple, but it's a little thought-provoking problem (only at the beginning?)

Also, as for the solved problem, you can see the answers of other players. On the other hand, I can comment on things I want to see, so I can comment on it. I think it's great to know the good answers from the perspective of Pythonista in the world.

supported language

The programming language is ** Python **. The language of foreign languages is basic English. ** But what! ** The problem is in Japanese! great.

So help is more difficult than solving the problem w

If you check the registration method, you can find out as many as you want, so omit it. That's it!

Related Links

CheckiO Official: http://www.checkio.org/ Reference site: http://himazines.com/web/checkio/

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