[Slack api + Python] I tried to summarize the methods such as status confirmation and message sending

The requests to be handled are as follows.

-chat.postMessage (Official Document) -users.profile.set (Official Document) -users.setPresence (Official Document) -users.getPresence (Official Document) -users.list (Official Document)

You can also refer to other requests in the Official Documents.

Assumptions, environment

Create Class Slack Functions.

** Two types of OAuth tokens ** slackapi->YourApp -> Install app When you open, you will find two tokens.

The tokens required differ depending on the type of request, so I wanted to be able to simplify that as well.

The location to define is arbitrary, but this time I stored it in ".env".



You need to import ** dotenv ** when using it in a python file.


from dotenv import load_dotenv
import os


slack_oauth_token = os.environ['SLACK_OAUTH_TOKEN']
slack_user_token = os.environ['SLACK_USER_TOKEN']

Also import to use slackapi!


import requests #To send a request
import json #Receive the response as Json.
from slack import WebClient #Slackapi Web Client

Class Slack Functions Initialization


class SlackFunctions:
    def __init__(self):
        self._headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}



def post_message(self, channel, message):
        params = {"token": slack_user_token,
                  "channel": channel, "text": message}

        r = requests.post('https://slack.com/api/chat.postMessage',
                          headers=self._headers, params=params)

This is a request to send a message. Send to \ # general → post_message (" # general "," hello! ")` ` Send to user by DM → post_message ("{USERS_ID} "," Wake UP! ")` ``



def profile_set(self, text, emoji):
        params = {
            "token": slack_oauth_token,
            "profile": json.dumps({
                "status_text": text,
                "status_emoji": emoji

        r = requests.post('https://slack.com/api/users.profile.set', 

A request to set custom status text and emoji. Since there are status_text and status_emoji in the variable called profile, you can use it as it is when setting only those two.



def set_presence(self, status): # statue: 'away' OR 'auto'
        params = {
            "token": slack_user_token,
            "presence": status

        r = requests.post('https://slack.com/api/users.setPresence', 

This is a request as to whether it is actually active or away. You can force it to be away``, but you cannot force it to be` `active. So the only argument to presence is `" away "``` or `" auto "```.



def get_presence(self, user):
        params = {"token": slack_user_token, "user":user}
        r = requests.post('https://slack.com/api/users.getPresence',
                          headers=self._headers, params=params)
        return r.json()

A request that returns the user's status (active or away). I wanted to use the status that came back, so I gave it a return price.



def users_list(self):
        params = {"token": slack_user_token}
        r = requests.post('	https://slack.com/api/users.list',
                          headers=self._headers, params=params)

        return r.json()

It is a request to return information of all users (including BOT and plug-in application) in workspace. Since there is a lot of information, I made it a function that returns after processing the response.

def users_list(self):
        params = {"token": slack_user_token}
        r = requests.post('	https://slack.com/api/users.list',
                          headers=self._headers, params=params)

        rjson = r.json()

        id_list = []
        name_list = []
        for i in range(0, len(rjson["members"])):
        return id_list, name_list

How to use

First, import `` `slackapi_functions.py```


import slackapi_functions
SF = slackapi_functions.SlackFunctions()

After that, you can use it with the Class name and Function name!


SF.post_message("#international-team", "Hello, this is your app!")
SF.change_status_message("I am focused!", :computer:)
user_status = SF.get_presence(YOUR_ID)
accounts_info = SF.users_list()

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