[PYTHON] Ll load failed in Anaconda environment construction: The specified module cannot be found. (import numpyas np file ....) Note that the error has been resolved.


I became a new member of society and resumed "machine learning starting with Python" that I had been doing halfway before job hunting. I got an error when I changed my computer and tried to run Anaconda after a long time. The code I was studying before has stopped working, so I will post the solution for the first time.


import numpy as np file "c: \ programdata \ anaconda3 \ lib \ site-packages \ numpy \ init.py", line 140, in from. import _distributor_init file "c: \ programdata \ anaconda3 \ lib \ site- packages \ numpy \ _distributor_init.py ", line 34, in from. import _mklinit importerror: dll load failed: The specified module cannot be found.

Is displayed. Numpy etc. should work in the environment created in Anaconda, but I stumbled immediately after resuming study.


Path did not pass because I made a new PC. I was impressed that I used to work through Path. It was completely forgotten from the procedure for building an environment.


  1. Click the windows mark

  2. Edit environment variables

  3. Click PATH in the user environment variable (U) of (user name)

  4. Click New (N)

  5. C: \ Users \ (user name) \ Anaconda3
    C: \ Users \ (user name) \ Anaconda3 \ Scripts
    C: \ Users \ (user name) \ Anaconda3 \ Library \ bin To add

in conclusion

From now on, I will post all the things I found out in my own way. I will do my best so that I can do the work of the company as soon as possible.

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