[Ruby on Rails] Delete s3 images with Active Strage


Delete images on s3 as well as local


About image deletion with Active Strage I'm stuck, so I'll leave it as a memorandum. (Please note that this is a fumbling description, so it may be wasteful.)

Also, delete unnecessary images on s3.

post model Column name: string Action new index show edit update create destroy Root resouses: posts

Development environment

ruby 2.5.7 Rails OS: macOS Catalina heroku

Introducing image posting with Active Strage

[Rails 5.2] How to use Active Storage This was very easy to understand and easy to introduce, so Please introduce it referring to here.

[Rails] How to make images posted on Heroku (ActiveStorage + Amazon S3) Please also refer to this when deploying to heroku.

About image deletion with Active Strage

This is the main subject. The Rails Guide describes how to delete it, and uses the purge method. By using this purge method, you can delete s3 images directly from the rails app.


#Synchronously destroy the avatar and the actual resource file.

#Asynchronously destroys the associated model and the actual resource file via Active Job.

About deleting one image

In the case where you have to delete the image of s3 (1) When updating the image (2) It is possible that the post associated with the image has been deleted. Also, the reason has not been clarified yet, but if you use purge instead of purge_later, Because the destroy action was not destroyed and the if statement became false. Using purge_later worked fine. Asynchronous destruction may be required with purge_later for deleting one image.

The order of @ post.image.purge_later && @ post.destroy If you do @ post.destroy first, @ post.image.purge_later will I think that it will affect the server trouble of aws, so I am doing it in this order.


  def update
    @post = Post.find(params[:id])
    if @post.image.attached?
    if @post.update(post_params)
      redirect_to post_path(@post)
      render :edit

  def destroy
    @post = Post.find(params[:id])
    if @post.image.attached?
      if @post.image.purge_later && @post.destroy
        redirect_to posts_path
        render :edit
      if @post.destroy
        redirect_to posts_path
        render :edit

  def post_params
    params.require(:post).permit(:name, :image)

About deleting multiple images

Posting / deleting multiple images with Active Storage I tried to implement it referring to this article, In my development environment


 Because I could not solve it due to the error
 I decided to delete all the images.
 Therefore, we have added a new img_destroy action.

 Also, if you use purge_later to delete multiple images as opposed to deleting one image,
 Occasionally an error (I don't remember the details, but there is too much processing?)
 It may come out, but using purge worked fine.

 The order of @ post.image.purge && @ post.destroy
 If you do @ post.destroy first, @ post.image.purge will
 I think that it will affect the server trouble of aws, so I am doing it in this order.

#### **`python`**

  def update
    @post = Post.find(params[:id])
    if @post.update(post_params)
      redirect_to post_path(@post)
      render :edit

  def destroy
    @post = Post.find(params[:id])
    if @post.images.attached?
      if @post.images.purge && @post.destroy
        redirect_to posts_path
        render :edit
      if @post.destroy
        redirect_to posts_path
        render :edit

  def img_destroy
    @post = Post.find(params[:id])
    if @post.images.purge
      redirect_to edit_post_path(@post)
      render :edit

  def post_params
    params.require(:post).permit(:name,images: [])


delete 'post_image_delete/:id', to: 'posts#img_destroy', as: 'post_img_destroy'


<% if @post.images.attached? %>
  <%= link_to "Delete all", post_img_destroy_path(@post), method: :delete, "data-confirm" => "Are you sure you want to delete it?", class: "btn btn-danger" %>
<% end %>


It was a method to delete the image of s3 together with Active Strage, There may be a better way to write it for groping.

I myself moved to Active Storage because I couldn't resolve the gem refile-s3 error. I hope I can help people in the same situation. For more information here

Also, on twitter, technologies and ideas that have not been uploaded to Qiita are also uploaded, so I would be grateful if you could follow me. Click here for details https://twitter.com/japwork

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