Port tomcat to MAMP

I had the opportunity to create a Web API in Java, so I thought it would be nice to have Tomcat in the local MAMP, but I could easily do it, so I made a note.

Execution environment

macOS Sierra 10.12.6

Download tomcat

Apache Tomcat® - Welcome!

This time, I used Tomcat 8.5.23 (it seems that there is also Tomcat 9, but this time it is on hold).

I downloaded the Core zip file.


Added to MAMP

Move the downloaded file to / Applications / MAMP /. Extract the file and rename it to tomcat.

mv ~/Download/apache-tomcat-8.5.23.zip  /Applications/MAMP
cd /Applications/MAMP
mv apache-tomcat-8.5.23 tomcat

various settings

Startup settings

Add the following to /Applications/MAMP/bin/startApache.sh at the end of the file.


End setting

Add the following to /Applications/MAMP/bin/stopApache.sh.


#↑ Add before the following command
/Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/apachectl stop

After restarting MAMP, you can access http: // localhost: 8080 to access the Tomcat home.



Add Tomcat into MAMP (Not MAMP Pro
[Sy] [Technical memo] Install Tomcat on Mac & check operation | Syntax Error.

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