[PYTHON] Meteorology x Ruby ~ Ruby scraping using Mechanize ~

This attempt

・ Get the weather data AMeDAS values every 10 minutes at once

・ Try scraping with both Python and Ruby

The data to be scraped is here image.png

1. Scraping with Python

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pandas as pd
import urllib.request
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

url = 'https://www.data.jma.go.jp/obd/stats/etrn/view/10min_s1.php?prec_no=44&block_no=47662&year=2019&month=01&day=01&view=p1'
html = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
element = soup.find_all('tr', attrs={'class':'mtx', 'style':'text-align:right;'})

out = []
for ele in element:
  data_list = []
  for e in ele:

df = pd.DataFrame(data=out, columns=['Hour and minute','Local barometric pressure','Sea level pressure','Precipitation','temperature','Relative humidity','Average wind speed','Average wind direction','Maximum instantaneous wind speed','Maximum instantaneous wind direction','Daylight hours'])
df.to_csv('tokyo_2019-01-01.csv', index=None,encoding='SJIS')


#① Object generation to parse the specified HTML
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
#② Get all tr tags by specifying the conditions
element = soup.find_all('tr', attrs={'class':'mtx', 'style':'text-align:right;'})

After that, extract the text from it and add it to the list one by one

** ↓ Output result ↓ ** image.png

2. Scraping with Ruby

require 'csv'
require 'mechanize'

agent = Mechanize.new
url = 'https://www.data.jma.go.jp/obd/stats/etrn/view/10min_s1.php?prec_no=44&block_no=47662&year=2019&month=01&day=01&view=p1'
page = agent.get(url)
html = page.search('tr')

out = []
html.each do |element|
    if element.get_attribute('style') == 'text-align:right;' then
        ele = element.search('td')
        ele.each do |e|
            data_list << e.inner_text
        out << data_list

header = ['Hour and minute','Local barometric pressure','Sea level pressure','Precipitation','temperature','Relative humidity','Average wind speed','Average wind direction','Maximum instantaneous wind speed','Maximum instantaneous wind direction','Daylight hours']
CSV.open('tokyo_2019-01-01.csv','w') do |csv|
    csv << header
    out.each do |val|
        csv << val


#① Create an instance of the Mechanize class and get the HTML of the specified url
agent = Mechanize.new

page = agent.get(url)
#② After searching the tr tag with the search method, the style tag is text-align:inner when right_Get text with text method
html = page.search('tr')

out = []
html.each do |element|
    if element.get_attribute('style') == 'text-align:right;' then
        ele = element.search('td')
        ele.each do |e|
            data_list << e.inner_text

** ↓ Output result ↓ ** image.png

Surprisingly, there was not much difference in the amount of code. Is it possible to search for tags by specifying attributes in Ruby? .. ..

that's all! !! !!

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