Make your own Rails validate


This is a post for outputting "Ruby on Rails 5 Quick Learning Practice Guide" in Continued from last time. This time, I will write how to make your own model validator! As an example, create a validate that does not contain hyphens in the name column of the Task model.

table of contents

<!-Edit title and anchor name->

  1. Create your own validate method
  2. Call your own validate
  3. Display error message
  4. References

<!-Each chapter->

Create your own validate method


def validate_not_including_hyphen
  errors.add(:name, 'Do not put hyphens in!') if name&.include?('-')

This code adds an error when the name contains a hyphen instead of nil.

Call your own validate


validate :validate_not_including_hyphen

You can also call it with a callback (such as before_create).

Display an error message

- @task.errors.full_message.each do |message|
      li = message


-Ruby on Rails 5 Quick Learning Practice Guide that can be used in the field

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