Dummy Factory, a large data batch creation tool for Liferay 7 / DXP
What is Dummy Factory?
Dummy Factory generates a large amount or frequently of data such as users and sites during development and demonstration purposes. I will use it for.
Data that can be generated
- Organization
- Site
- Page
- User
- Web content
- Document
- Bulletin board
Main functions
- Batch generation of multiple organizations (it is also possible to create hierarchical organizations)
- Generate an organization site at the same time as an organization
- Batch generation of sites (layered sites can also be created)
- Bulk page generation
- Bulk generation of users, simultaneous assignment to organizations and sites
- Random generation of user names with meaningful names
- Bulk generation of web content
- Batch generation of document media data
Environmental requirements
- JDK 1.8 and above
- Liferay 7 GA1 / Liferay DXP SP1 or above
How to use
- Download the latest version (https://github.com/yasuflatland-lf/liferay-dummy-factory/releases).
- Deploy to
$ {liferay-home} / deploy
- Log in to Liferay with [email protected], password test
- Select "Dummy Factory" from "Applications" in the right pane, place it on any page, and use it.