2020/10/1 Tech Camp Day 11 Output

Curriculum application

First post on the 11th day of tech camp ^^; The pre-learning start is 9/12.

content of study

--Let's make a posting app with Rails --There are many controller functions unlike the basic simple posting application. --Database review

--database.yml is a file that describes database settings. Rails has a mechanism that allows you to change the database settings for each operating environment by editing this database.yml.

--RDB (Relational Database) is a database that manages data in a tabular format. It has rows and columns. In the database, rows are called "records" and columns are called "columns". --When using RDBMS (RDB management system) and RDB (relational database), the system that manages them is called RDBMS. --MySQL is one of RDBMS --Many extensions --Small to large data can be handled --High flexibility

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