Environment construction procedure for using PowerMock with JUnit

table of contents

  1. Environment construction procedure for using PowerMock with JUnit ← Now here
  2. Mock and Spy in PowerMock
  3. Mock static methods with PowerMock
  4. Mock the constructor with PowerMock
  5. Mock private methods with PowerMock
  6. Try using PowerMock's WhiteBox
  7. Disable static initializer in PowerMock


By introducing PowerMock, you will be able to mock static methods / private methods / constructors that Mockito alone could not. This article is intended for beginners of PowerMock, but if you understand how to use Mockito as a prerequisite knowledge, you will be able to proceed smoothly. You can also get the sample code used in the article from GitHub.


eclipse Eclipse IDE 2020‑03
java 1.11
junit 4.12
mockito 2.23
powermock 2.0.2


Download the complete library from PowerMock official website.

Select Downloads at the bottom of the page. download_01.png

Select powermock-mockito2-junit-2.0.2.zip. download_02.png

powermock-mockito2-junit-2.0.2.zip should contain the libraries that powermock depends on, but this is not enough, from ByteBuddy Official Site You need to download byte-buddy.jar. (As of 09/11/2020)

Select Download. download_03.png

Select byte-buddy-1.10.14.jar. download_04.png

Creating an eclipse project

Create a sample_powermock project under workspace and copy the set of libraries downloaded earlier to the lib folder. projectsetup_01.png

Add to build path. projectsetup_02.png

Now you're ready to go.

Link Collection

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