The mark on the right side of the version-controlled Xcode file


I use Git for my version control system to manage my source code. During development, a mark appears on the right side of the file, what is it? I always thought.

I'm curious and I want to see it later, so I will summarize it as a memorandum.

What is version control in the first place? If you are, please read this article. Distributed version control system Git that can be understood in 5 minutes

Main subject

When I looked it up, it seems that this mark represents "** version control status label **". If there is any change in the file etc., Xcode will automatically record it.

Below is a summary of the marks and their meanings.

mark meaning
A Added files
M File with changes
D Deleted files
R The file has been replaced
- The status of the contents of the folder is mixed
? For some reason it's out of git's control


The meaning of the mark above is wrong, and there are other marks! Those who say Please feel free to comment.

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