I had a hard time trying to access Hadoop3.0.0 from a browser (and Arch Linux)

If you're trying to make an HTTP connection to Hadoop but it doesn't work at all, see "This is a pretty unknown part" at the bottom.

I want to use Opentsdb!

If you think so, you have to start by thinking about Hadoop. I was. And this Hadoop, just the other day 3.0.0 came out, and I was warm with 2 system until then, I was worried while shaving my mind and dropping my hair.

Environmental explanation, etc.

Roughly speaking, it is openjdk-8 of Arch Linux (EFI) in VirtualBox. Let's assume that openssh and standard ones are okay. The user name will be in the form ** test **, so replace it with "vagrant" or whatever you like. In addition, this time we will explain up to pseudo-dispersion.

Install Arch

If you enter Yes or any character string, it will proceed in a flowing manner.

#ls / sys / firmware / efi / efivars ;; Make sure it's inside #parted /dev/sda () mklabel gpt () mkpart ESP fat32 1MiB 513MiB () set 1 boot on () mkpart primary ext4 513MiB 100% () quit

lsblk / dev / sda ;; Check sda1 and sda2

# mkfs.vfat -F32 /dev/sda1
# mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda2
# mount /dev/sda2 /mnt
# mkdir /mnt/boot && mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot
# nano /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

;; Bring the Japan server to the top ;; C-W Japan / Select range with Shift / Cut with C-k / Paste with C-u # pacman -Syyu archlinux-keyring # pacstrap /mnt base base-devel # genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab # arch-chroot /mnt # ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Tokyo /etc/localtime # hwclock --systohc --utc # nano /etc/locale.gen en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 ja_JP.UTF-8 Added UTF-8 # locale-gen # echo LANG=en_US.UTF-8 > /etc/locale.conf

echo localhost >> / etc / hostname ;; I should have done this when I tried hadoop

nano / etc / hosts ;; important here localhost.localdomain localhost

Updated to test.localdomain test! # mkinitcpio -p linux # passwd ;; to whatever you like # pacman -S grub efibootmgr # grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot --bootloader-id=arch_grub --recheck # mkdir /boot/EFI/boot # cp /boot/EFI/arch_grub/grubx64.efi /boot/EFI/boot/bootx64.efi # grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg # exit # umount -R /mnt ;; virtualbox menu => remove iso disk # reboot login : root passwd: ;; What I just put in # systemctl enable dhcpcd & systemctl start dhcpcd # systemctl status dhcpcd ;; Confirm that it is working properly

useradd -m test ;; vagrant for vagarnt users

# paddwd test 

;; vagrant user should be vagrant ... # EDITOR=nano visudo test ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: Add ALL to any place # pacman -S openssh wget # systemctl enable sshd.service # systemctl start sshd.service # systemctl status sshd.service ;; Make sure the sshd service is enabled # pacman -S emacs git curl jre8-openjdk jdk8-openjdk # su - test $ sudo emacs /etc/pacman.conf [archlinuxfr] SigLevel = Never Added Server = http://repo.archlinux.fr/ $ arch [multilib] Include = uncommented /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist $ sudo pacman --sync --refresh yaourt $ sudo pacman -Syu yaourt $ sudo emacs /etc/yaourtrc Added TMPDIR = "/ home / test / Downloads" $ sudo pacman -S virtualbox-guest-modules-arch $ sudo modprobe -a vboxguest vboxsf vboxvideo $ sudo emacs /etc/modules-load.d/virtualbox.conf vboxguest vboxsf Write vboxvideo $ sudo pacman -S virtualbox-guest-utils $ sudo systemctl enable vboxservice $ sudo systemctl start vboxservice $ sudo systemctl status vboxservice $ sudo reboot login : test password: ;; What I just put in $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -P "" -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa $ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys $ sudo emacs /etc/ssh/sshd_config

AuthorizedKeysFile Comment out .ssh / authorized_keys

$ ssh localhost
$ exit
$ sudo pacman -S xorg xorg-server deepin
$ sudo pacman -S deepin-extra
$ sudo systemctl enable deepin-desktop
$ sudo emacs /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf

Changed to greeter-session = lightdm-deepin-greeter ;; Search for greeter-session = and rewrite that part (uncomment if commented) $ sudo systemctl start lightdm ;; The GUI should start here ;; Once started, right click on the desktop to open terminal ;; How to use deepin desktop is not covered here $ sudo systemctl enable lightdm $ sudo shutdown -h now that's all! (Let's take a snapshot)

Hadoop installation

This time, we will install it as it is without creating a new hadoop user. If you want to create a new user, create a hadoop user such as `` sudo useradd hadoop``` ``` sudo passwd hadoop``` and log in to it ( `su --hadoop```). .. Again, we will proceed with the user name ** test **.

Hadoop path

I haven't investigated it in detail, but maybe hadoop etc. will get angry if you link directly, so please get the path of the wget destination of hadoop as follows. --Access http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/hadoop/common/ --Select an appropriate Japanese server for http (such as tsukuba) --Select hadoop-3.0.0 --Right click on hadoop-3.0.0.tar.gz --Copy the link destination Now, if you can share the virtualbox clipboard, you can easily wget.

Hadoop installation

Launch the created Arch Linux (here, make it possible to share the clipboard from the virtualbox settings)

 $ cd ~/Downloads

$ wget ;; The path you just got $ tar zxfv hadoop-3.0.0.tar.gz $ sudo cp -r ./hadoop-3.0.0 /usr/local/hadoop $ sudo chown -R test /usr/local/hadoop $ sudo mkdir /usr/local/hadoop_tmp $ sudo chown -R test /usr/local/hadoop_tmp $ cd /usr/local/hadoop $ ls ;; Confirm that there are various (bin, etc, sbin, etc.) $ sudo emacs ~/.bashrc ### HADOOP PATHES ### export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk export HADOOP_HOME=/usr/local/hadoop export PATH=PATH:HADOOP_HOME/bin export PATH=PATH:HADOOP_HOME/sbin export HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME=HADOOP_HOME export HADOOP_COMMON_HOME=HADOOP_HOME export HADOOP_HDFS_HOME=HADOOP_HOME export YARN_HOME=HADOOP_HOME export HADOOP_COMMON_LIB_NATIVE_DIR=HADOOP_HOME/lib/native export HADOOP_OPTS="-Djava.library.path=HADOOP_HOME/lib/native" export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/hadoop/bin/ Add ######################### to the end $ source ~/.bashrc $ sudo emacs ./etc/hadoop/hadoop-env.sh Added export JAVA_HOME = / usr / lib / jvm / java-8-openjdk / $ sudo emacs ./etc/hadoop/core-site.xml fs.defaultFS hdfs://localhost:9000 </ configuration> $ sudo emcas ./etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml dfs.replication 1 $ sudo emcas ./etc/hadoop/mapred-site.xml mapreduce.framework.name yarn $ sudo emacs ./etc/hadoop/yarn-site.xml yarn.nodemanager.aux-services mapreduce_shuffle $ cd ~ $ hdfs namenode -format ;; Somehow, ;; SHUTDOWN_MSG: Shutting down NameNode at localhost / should come back ... (sometimes it comes back as ...?) ;; If there is a part where ERROR is returned instead of INFO, it is better to go to the question site or the place like that $ start-all.sh $ jps
XXXX SecondaryNameNode XXXX NameNode XXXX ResourceManager XXXX NodeManager XXXX Jps If it is XXXX DataNode, it is correct

Now you've roughly set up Hadoop.

This is a fairly unknown part.

Normally, from here, "Let's access http: // localhost: 50070!" Is displayed, but for some reason this does not work. I'm not sure why, but it seems that the available port numbers are different. Please check as follows and do "http: // localhost: [hogehoge]" from one end. In my environment,,, corresponded to the rewritten destination. Also, localhost: 8088 was able to connect as it is.

$ netstat -an | grep LISTEN ;; <== pretty important here tcp 0 0 ..... LISTEN tcp 0 0 ..... LISTEN tcp 0 0 .... LISTEN tcp 0 0 ::::8088 .......... LISTEN


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