Try using view_component with rails

What is view_component

It is a gem made by github.

It's like a power-up version of render partial, which seems to be useful when you want to reuse the view code or write tests.

Since ruby ​​and template can be prepared as a set like this, it seems that it is easier to write logic and data transfer compared to partial.


class TestComponent < ViewComponent::Base
  def initialize(title:)
    @title = title


<span title="<%= @title %>"><%= content %></span>

It looks like this when calling.

<%= render( "my title")) do %>
  Hello, World!
<% end %>

Apart from the defined @ title, the content passed in block is automatically assigned to the accessor called content.


You can add a gem and install it with bundle install.

gem "view_component", require: "view_component/engine"

About version

It seems to work with rails 5.0 and above. However, if it is less than rails 6.1, it seems that the render method will be patched with a monkey.

You can also use render_component if you don't want to apply the monkey patch.

config.view_component.render_monkey_patch_enabled = false # defaults to true
<%= render_component "bar") %>

Creating view_component

Let's create a view_component with the rails command.

bin/rails generate component Example title

A set of files is created like this.

Running via Spring preloader in process 407
      create  app/components/example_component.rb
      invoke  test_unit
      create    test/components/example_component_test.rb
      invoke  erb
      create    app/components/example_component.html.erb

preview function

You can check view_componet in preview like ActionMailer.


class TestComponentPreview < ViewComponent::Preview
  def with_default_title
    render( "Test component default"))

  def with_long_title
    render( "This is a really long title to see how the component renders this"))

  def with_content_block
    render( "This component accepts a block of content")) do
      tag.div do
        content_tag(:span, "Hello")

Now you can check the preview by accessing the url below. http://localhost:3000/rails/view_components/test_component/with_default_title http://localhost:3000/rails/view_components/test_component/with_long_title http://localhost:3000/rails/view_components/test_component/with_content_block

How to write a test

You can test the content by calling view_component with render_inline.

require "test_helper"

class HelloComponentTest < ViewComponent::TestCase
  def test_component_renders_something_useful
      %(<div>hello bob</div>),
      render_inline( "bob")).css("div").to_html


It seems that there are various functions other than those introduced this time, so if you are interested, please see the official document.

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