I was writing data to a Firestore doc with Go, and for some reason I was wondering if the field I expected an array had null. Also as a data type
type Fuga struct {
Hoge []string `firestore:"hoge"`
However, I thought that if there was nothing in the slice, there would be an empty array on the Firestore side and it would be over.
Looking at the following text at https://godoc.org/cloud.google.com/go/firestore#DocumentRef.Create, it seems that Firestore treats all types of nil
as null
nils of any type convert to Null.
Since the zero value of the slice is nil, it seems that if you just initialize the structure, the slice will remain nil-> if you save it as it is on the firestore side, it will be null.
So, when initializing the structure, I thought it was better to be aware of using make
as the slice to create an empty slice that is not nil.
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