I tried to publish GraphQL API of COVID19 infected person situation in Hyogo prefecture.

What kind of API did you use?

Every 3 minutes Download the Excel file from ↓↓↓ https://web.pref.hyogo.lg.jp/kk03/corona_kanjyajyokyo.html Write the read data to the DB. Prepare a graphQL server in another container and distribute it.

Container configuration

--DB auto write container (implemented in python) --GraphQL server (implemented in Go)

However, unfortunately ... (2020/3/18)

After release Will be executed regularly python is loading Unexpected changes in excel file before スクリーンショット 2020-03-18 17.12.10.png

after As you can see in the image, a double line represented by an empty cell has been added. An unexpected null occurs here and an error occurs. The Excel data cannot be written to the DB. スクリーンショット 2020-03-18 17.12.24.png

Well, there is no choice but to create an Excel file that the person in charge will have come up with. So, unfortunately, we can only provide the data up to March 16th. Sorry!

I fixed it and published it again! (2020/3/19)

For experimenting with services that combine python cron and graphQL ... Because it was an api that I tried to make with about the tension I was about to give up Excel empty column problem mentioned above Nothing I think I should skip the empty columns I should have fixed it.

https://hyogo.covid19-api.ga The GraphQL playground is also open to the public. https://hyogo.covid19-api.ga/playground For the time being, the source code https://github.com/inadati/hyogo-covid19-api.services

Try api on Playground

Here is the relationship between the Excel table header and the GraphQL fields. スクリーンショット 2020-03-19 13.35.32.png If you throw a query like this ...


It will come back like this. You can get a list of columns after "Certified Children's Garden" in Excel by infected_places. For more information, please check the DOCS tab of Playground.

  "data": {
    "readInfectedPeoples": [
        "no": 86,
        "confirmed_date": "2020-03-17T00:00:00Z",
        "age_group": 70,
        "sex": "Female",
        "jurisdiction": "Itami",
        "residence": "Itami Health and Welfare Office jurisdiction",
        "occupation": "Unemployed",
        "onset_date": "March 07",
        "travel_history": "None",
        "remarks": "Use Green Ars Itami Day Care, a health facility for the elderly",
        "infected_places": [
            "name": "Centers for Early Childhood Education",
            "is_relation": false
            "name": "Kita-Harima Medical Center",
            "is_relation": false
            "name": "Green Ars",
            "is_relation": true
            "name": "Takarazuka Daiichi Hospital",
            "is_relation": false
            "name": "Jinkei Hospital",
            "is_relation": false
            "name": "Long-term care insurance office",
            "is_relation": false
            "name": "Overseas travelers",
            "is_relation": false
            "name": "Live relations",
            "is_relation": false

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