4. Bayesian statistics in Python 1-1. Emotional judgment by naive Bayes [Bayes' theorem]

⑴ Basic knowledge of Bayesian statistics

1. A brief history of Bayesian statistics

2. Bayes' theorem

3. Bayesian updating

4. Stabilization of posterior probabilities by increasing data

⑵ Data set overview

(3) Data set capture

from google.colab import files


!tar -zxvf rt-polaritydata.tar.gz


⑷ Data preprocessing

1. Import of NLTK

import nltk
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize

2. Define a method to preprocess data

def format_sentense(sentense):
    return {word: True for word in word_tokenize(sentense) }

3. Data preprocessing

#Positive data preprocessing
pos_data = []
with open('rt-polaritydata/rt-polarity.pos', encoding='latin-1') as f:
    for line in f:
        pos_data.append([format_sentense(line), 'pos'])

#Preprocessing of negative data
neg_data = []
with open('rt-polaritydata/rt-polarity.neg', encoding='latin-1') as f:
    for line in f:
        neg_data.append([format_sentense(line), 'neg'])

4. Divide into training data and verification data

#Acquisition of training data
training_data = pos_data[:4000] + neg_data[:4000]

#Acquisition of evaluation data
testing_data = pos_data[4000:] + neg_data[4000:]

⑸ Model generation based on training data

1. Model generation

from nltk.classify import NaiveBayesClassifier

#Model generation
model = NaiveBayesClassifier.train(training_data)

2. Model trial

es1 = "This is a hilarious movie and I would watch it again and again."
es2 = "This is a boring movie and once you see it, you'll have enough."

#Output judgment result
print( es1, '--->', model.classify(format_sentense(es1)) )
print( es2, '--->', model.classify(format_sentense(es2)) )


⑹ Evaluation of model accuracy using test data

from nltk.classify.util import accuracy

print('Correct answer probability: ', accuracy(model, testing_data))


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