[PYTHON] Messaging with AMQP using kombu

About AMQP

AMQP is a protocol for messaging services. Someone thrusts a message into a Queue and someone retrieves the message from the Queue. I understand that.

The following page is very helpful for details. GREE engineer's page Easy to read and very nice.

However, the quality is incomprehensible without moving it, so I experimented. The tools used for the experiment are as follows

The environment construction procedure will be described later.

The screen is from RabbitMQ's Management Plugin.

Make an Exchange

According to the GREE engineer's page, Message is received by ʻExchange, and ʻExchange is passed to Queue.

For the time being, I decided to make it from ʻExchange, and here is what I could see from the [sample code](http://kombu.readthedocs.org/en/latest/reference/kombu.html#exchange) of kombu`.

from kombu import Connection,Exchange

exchange = Exchange('foo_exc', type='direct')

with Connection('amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672//') as c:
    bound = exchange(c.default_channel)


ʻExchangeis completed. At the bottom,foo_exc` created by the above process.

Create a Queue

Continue to create Queue based on Sample Code.

from kombu import Connection,Exchange,Queue

exchange = Exchange('foo_exc', type='direct')
queue = Queue('bar_queue', exchange=exchange, routing_key='hoge.fuga')

with Connection('amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672//') as c:
    bound = queue(c.default_channel)


Queue is created.

Make and throw a Message

Finally create a Message and plunge into ʻExchange`. See Reference rather than sample code.

from kombu import Connection,Exchange

exchange = Exchange('foo_exc', type='direct')

with Connection('amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672//') as c:
    bound_exc = exchange(c.default_channel)
    msg = bound_exc.Message("Hello, World")
    bound_exc.publish(msg, routing_key='hoge.fuga')


It seems that Hello, World is properly included. Around Get messages.

Take a message

The Message that cannot be taken is just garbage, so take it. Sample code

from kombu import Connection,Exchange,Queue,Consumer

exchange = Exchange('foo_exc', type='direct')
queue = Queue('bar_queue', exchange=exchange, routing_key='hoge.fuga')

def callback(body, message):
    print body

with Connection('amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672//') as c:

    with Consumer(c.default_channel, queues=[queue], callbacks=[callback]):


ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ python consume.py
Hello, World

Hello, World is displayed.

If you don't call message.ack (), the message will not disappear from Queue.



Built with Docker + docker-compose


    image: rabbitmq:3-management
    hostname: rabbit001
        - "15672:15672"
        - "5672:5672"


Install with pip normally

pip install kombu

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