When registering a new user, I got an error called ActiveRecord :: NotNullViolation and how to deal with it.

Error in new user registration

I got the following error while implementing the user management function. 151aa02ffd6f364ebe9ba332e3ba4fde.png

About white error

ActiveRecord::NotNullViolation in Devise::RegistrationsController#create

If you look it up on a reference site

"This error is an error caused by saving an item that should not be NULL due to DB constraints."

There was.

What I confirmed

① Migration file

In the image error statement above

Mysql2::Error: Field 'prefecture_address' doesn't have a default value

So I checked the migration file to confirm this. Please see the image. 2d3be4158c0f509fdaaba70a1ae46896.png

There seems to be no problem here because it is set like that in the migration file.

② Controller

If it is set in the migration file, I think that the recipient may not have received it, so next check the controller. controller.png This was also the column name as specified in the migration file.

③ View

Now that I have migrated and controllered, I decided to check the view. (I'm a little impatient here.) The image of the view is as follows. 5bf9c8d818125e51fd7a384acda259f7.png Did you understand ... In the migration file and controller, it was prefecture_address, but in the view file, it was prefecture_address.

Code fix

When I finished modifying the view and made a new registration, I was able to register successfully.


Basically, when I get an error, I'm impatient with NoRoute Matches (I think I've overcome NoRoute Matches), so when I got an error I've never seen before, I thought, "Oh ... it's over ...". In this case, I didn't know which file the source code was referring to, so I wasn't rushed.

I was lucky to look into the error and hit the site. I will take this opportunity to add error tolerance. Excuse me.


【teratail】 Error when logging in / creating a new one by introducing the devise function https://teratail.com/questions/235508

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