Google Java Style Guide

I recently learned that Google publishes coding conventions (Style Guide) for various languages. I took a quick look at Java Coding Standards and summarized some interesting points.

2 Source files basics

Whether to Unicode escape when writing non-ASCII characters in code depends on which one is easier to understand. (2.3.3 Non-ASCII characters)

String unitAbbrev = "μs"; // "\u03bcs"Since it is difficult to understand, it is described as Unicode.

3 Source file structure

ʻImport with the wildcard * is not used regardless of whether it is static` or not. (3.3.1 No wildcard imports)

4 Formatting

The brace {} used in ʻifandfor` is not omitted even if the content is empty. (4.1.1 Braces are used where optional)

Non-empty blocks are described in K & R style as shown below. (4.1.2 Nonempty blocks: K & R style)

if (condition()) {
} else if (condition()) {

An empty block can be abbreviated as {} unless it is composed of multiple blocks such as ʻif and try`. (4.1.3 Empty Blocks: may be concise)

Two spaces are used for indentation. (4.2 Block indentation: +2 spaces)

Make sure that one line fits within 100 characters. (4.4 Colum limit: 100)

If one line is long, insert a space of 4 characters or more when starting a new line. (4.5.2 Indent continuation lines at least +4 spaces)

Insert a space between the reserved word (such as for) and(between,} and the reserved word (such as ʻelse) before the {`. (4.6.2 Horizontal white spaces)

5 Naming

Do not use prefixes or suffixes that have a special meaning. Example: name_, mName (5.1 Rules common to all identifiers)

Words that are generally composed of uppercase letters, such as abbreviations, are also made into camel case. Example: XmlHttpRequest (5.3 Camel case: defined)

The name that has already spread in camel case may be left as it is. Example: YouTubeImporter (5.3 Camel case: defined)

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