[PYTHON] [Blender] Modeling tips Summary Mesh Modeling

table of contents

  1. Edit multiple objects at the same time
  2. Insert edges between vertices
  3. Slide the sides
  4. Merge vertices
  5. Automatically merge vertices that are close together
  6. Melt the edges
  7. Extrude the surface to the cursor position
  8. Use the mirror in edit mode
  9. Change the angle of the side without deforming the object
  10. Move in a direction perpendicular to the surface
  11. Fill the surface regularly

30. Edit multiple objects at the same time

Hold down [SHIFT] and select multiple objects, then press the [TAB] key to enter edit mode.

31. Insert edges between vertices

Select two vertices etc. and press the [J] key

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32. Slide the sides

① Select the side you want to slide ② Double tap [G]

33. Merge vertices

Select multiple vertices and press the [M] key to select the mode

At First: Merge to the first selected vertex At Last: Merge to the last selected vertex At Center: Merge to the center of the selected vertices At Cursor: Merge to cursor position Collapse: Merge to the center of connected vertices By Distance: Merge according to the distance of the vertices

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34. Automatically merge vertices that are close together

Click the Auto Marge Vertices mark to bring the vertices closer.

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35. Melt the edges

① Press the [X] key ② Press Dissolve Edges


Press [CTRL + X]

You can also use Limited Dissolve to melt edges in a limited way, as shown below.

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36. Extrude the surface to the cursor position

① Select a face (2) Press [CTRL + right mouse click] to push the surface to the cursor position.

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37. Use the mirror in edit mode

① Make two objects into one object with [CTRL + J] ② Right-click → Set Origin → Origin to Geometory to change the origin of the object ③ Set Transformation Orientation to Local in edit mode. ④ Select the axis you want to mirror ⑤ Edit

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38. Change the angle of the side without deforming the object

Select an edge and press the Shear panel to edit.

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39. Move in a direction perpendicular to the surface

Can be moved in the direction perpendicular to the surface with [ALT + S]

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40. Fill the surface regularly

① Select the part you want to fill ② Select [CTRL + F] → Grid Fill

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