The world of PUPG that people all over the world are enthusiastic about. After all, I'm curious about strong weapons.
So I read the csv file and write about 30 lines of code with pairplot I tried to visualize it.
I recently touched seaborn's pair plot and found it interesting, and I thought I could try it with something other than solid data such as iris and Titanic, so I tried it. Therefore, the data and method used for plotting may be incorrect. If this is the case, I would appreciate it if you could give me some advice.
Reference of csv → This is kaggle.
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
df = pd.read_csv("Path to csv")
#It cannot be plotted unless it is numerical data.
show_df = df.drop(['victim_position_x','victim_position_y','victim_placement','killer_placement','killer_name'],axis=1)
#Defect value supplement
show_df['kill_position_x'] = show_df['killer_position_x'].fillna(show_df['killer_position_x'].mean())
show_df['kill_position_y'] = show_df['killer_position_y'].fillna(show_df['killer_position_y'].mean())
#Defect value removal
show_df = show_df.drop(['killer_position_x','killer_position_y'],axis=1)
#Converted so that the gun can be identified by a number.
show_df['gan_type'] = show_df['killed_by'].replace({'Punch':0,'Deagle':1,'P1911':2,'R45':3,'R1895':4,'P18C':5,'P92':6,\
'Skorpion':7,'S12K':8,'S1897':9,'S686':10,'DBS':11,'Tommy Gun':12,\
'Vector':13,'Micro UZI':14,'MP5K':15,'PP-19 Bizon':16,'UMP45':17,\
'AUG':18,'G36C':19,'M16A4':20,'M416':21,'M762':22,'Mk47 Mutant':23,\
'SLR':38,'VSS':39,'Bluezone':40,'Down and Out':41,'Falling':42,'Grenade':43,'Hit by Car':44,'death.WeapSawnoff_C':45,'Mini 14':46,\
'death.ProjMolotov_DamageField_C':58,'Dacia':59,'Motorbike (SideCar)':60,'death.Buff_FireDOT_C':61,'Crowbar':62,'Van':63,'Pickup Truck':64,\
two = print(show_df.head(10))
w = sns.pairplot(show_df[0:101],hue='killed_by')
time → time killed? Maximum unit second killed_by → This is similar to gan_type below, but specified as an argument of hue. gan_type → It is a literal translation of the gun type, but the ones caused by the cause of death are summarized. At first, I was thinking of scraping the information about pupg's weapon and passing it to the dictionary, but when I implemented it so that the desired information was stored in various tags (a, b, strong) and took everything, 300 lines I gave up this time and tried to do it because it became a code and scraped the items attached to other guns, but it took a long time. .. ..
Example: I was pulled by a car. I was run over by a bicycle. I was killed by a punch. Such kill_position → Killed coordinates?
It suffers a little from 2 and 1, but I think there are many people who use a gun called M416 to dig into the upper ranks.