Differences between docker-compose run, up, build and create. Know each role.

There are many similar docker-compose commands such as run, up, build, create. Prevent confusion by understanding each role.

command Target Remarks
run Image & container creation Specify one service. up starts all services (containers) at once
up Image & container creation & launch Start all containers at once. Do until startup
build Creating an image -
create Creating a container -
up Start container -

** ▼ Classify commands by flow **
Image creation Container creation Container startup
build create start

▼ It looks like this when viewed with a command

docker-compose run/up = docker-compose build && docker-compose create && docker-compose start

Docker-compose runDocker-compose upDocker-compose buildDocker-compose createDocker-compose start

Basically the command to use should be docker up.

When running or up, if the image already exists, it will not be recreated, so if there is a change in dockerfile or docker-compose.yml, rebuild the image.

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