Android app: Try to summarize events and listeners

Last time A newcomer tries to summarize Android views (beginner Android application development)

Continued. .. ..


It's been three months since I joined the company. I am studying android application development and I am summarizing it.

This time, about events and listeners. Since it is a demon super basic, I would appreciate it if you think that it is for super beginners. ..

Words coming this time

--Event If you tap the youtube app icon, youtube will open. The user operation of tapping this app is called an event.

--Listener android keeps an eye on youtube so that it can be touched at any time. Keeping an eye on this is called a listener.

Last words

--View Screen parts

--Activity The screen itself

Anyway sample


androidstudio 3.6.2 openjdk version "11.0.6"

Screen to make

Create an app that simply displays the entered characters with a button tap.


Button tap = event Processing to display the entered characters below = event handler Watch if tapped android function = listener


The import statement is omitted because it will be long.


<LinearLayout ~~ Omitted ~~>


public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        //Get Button object which is a display button
        Button btClick = findViewById(;
        //Create an instance of the listener class
        HelloListener listener = new HelloListener();
        //Set listener on display button

    private class HelloListener implements View.OnClickListener{
        public void onClick(View view){
            //Get EditText object which is a name input field
            EditText input = findViewById(;
            //Get a TextView object to display a message
            TextView output = findViewById(;
            //Store the input name string in inputStr
            String inputStr = input.getText().toString();
            //Show message
            output.setText(inputStr + "← Entered text");

Important points for beginners

Unlike the last time, it is divided into java class (MainActivity) and XML class (activity_main). Think of the Java class as creating the listener settings and processing, and the xml as creating the screen configuration (activity).

The important thing this time is ・ Where are the above two files linked? -How to set listeners and write event handlers


Linking java file and screen parts

//Get Button object which is a display button
Button btClick = findViewById(;



The usual pattern to get screen parts in java class. R doesn't care now. It can be obtained by findViewById ( Screen part ID name). Store it in a variable of Button object.

Listener settings and event handlers

Create a listener class → Set the listener in the prepared btnClick → Describe the event handler in the listener class

//Create an instance of the listener class
HelloListener listener = new HelloListener();
//Set listener on display button

With this description, we have gone as far as setting the listener for the button. Enter the event handler in the listener class below.

private class HelloListener implements View.OnClickListener{
        public void onClick(View view){
            //Get EditText object which is a name input field
            EditText input = findViewById(;
            //Get a TextView object to display a message
            TextView output = findViewById(;
            //Store the input name string in inputStr
            String inputStr = input.getText().toString();
            //Show message
            output.setText(inputStr + "← Entered text");

The screen parts are acquired by findViewId and displayed in TextView.

Please think that the code below, which is not explained, is magical for now. I will write it when I explain the life cycle of the activity later.

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

At the end

Writing a commentary will deepen your understanding. .. Whether or not it can be written in an easy-to-understand manner. .. ..

I will devote myself. Please forgive me that Japanese is messy.

Next time I will write a screen transition!

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