Open VS Code Remote Containers directly from the CLI on Mac

How it works

After opening VS Code Remote Containers once, go to cat ~ / Library / Application \ Support / Code / storage.json If you look at windowsState> lastActiveWindow> folder, you can see that it looks like the following.

    "windowsState": {
        "lastActiveWindow": {
            "folder": "vscode-remote://dev-container%2B2f557365722f6e616d652f646576656c6f702f70726f6a656374/usr/src",
            "backupPath": "...",
            "remoteAuthority": "dev-container+2f557365722f6e616d652f646576656c6f702f70726f6a656374",
            "uiState": {
                "mode": 1,
                "x": 0,
                "y": 23,
                "width": 3440,
                "height": 1417
        "openedWindows": []

If you know the URL of this folder

$ code --folder-uri vscode-remote://dev-container%2B2f557365722f6e616d652f646576656c6f702f70726f6a656374/usr/src

It is possible to launch directly from the CLI in this way.

The part of 2f557365722f6e616d652f646576656c6f702f70726f6a656374 is hexadecimal string. Decoding this will result in / User / name / develop / project. You can also see that it is URL-encoded because it contains % 2B. The final / usr / src will be the path specified by workspaceFolder in devcontainer.json. Based on these, as the whole URL component

"vscode-remote://" + URI.encode_www_form_component("dev-container+" + "/User/name/develop/project".unpack('H*')) + "/usr/src"

It seems that it is.

Script creation

I will write a script that will generate a URL to start VS Code Remote Containers after specifying the path. It is generated by reading workspaceFolder of .devcontainer / devcontainer.json under the specified path.


# frozen_string_literal: true
# !/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'json'

module VSCodeRemoteContainer
  class Utility
    def initialize

    def generate_url(root_path)
      folder = find_workspace_folder(root_path)
      path = "dev-container+#{root_path.unpack('H*')[0]}"
      puts "vscode-remote://#{URI.encode_www_form_component(path)}#{folder}"

    def find_workspace_folder(root_path)
      unless File.exist?("#{root_path}/.devcontainer/devcontainer.json")
        puts 'Not found devcontainer.json file.'

      config = JSON.parse("#{root_path}/.devcontainer/devcontainer.json"))

Save the above as main.rb and execute as below to generate the URL

$ ruby main.rb '/User/name/xxxx'
# => vscode-remote://dev-container%2B2f557365722f6e616d652f646576656c6f702f70726f6a656374/usr/src

Creating Alfred Workflows

This time, I created Workflows that work in combination with ghq. VS Code is started directly in the container by specifying the repository name as ↓ as an operation image.

I added it to the above script when creating Workflows.

module VSCodeRemoteContainer
  class Utility
    attr_accessor :bin_path
    def initialize
      @bin_path = ENV['GHQ_PATH'] || '/usr/local/bin'

    def ghq_exists?
      !`which #{@bin_path}/ghq`.empty?

    def search
      return unless ghq_exists?

      result = []
      `#{@bin_path}/ghq list --full-path`.split(/\R/).each do |d|
        Dir.foreach(d) do |path|
          next if ['.', '..'].include?(path)

          file = File.join(d, path)
          result << d if file.include?('.devcontainer')

What I'm doing is using ghq to get a list of the target repositories and I try to return only the repositories that have the .devcontainer directory.

The finished product is I put it here. I just made it for the time being, so if you find any problems We would appreciate it if you could contact us.

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