Summary of stumbling blocks related to form_with


When I went around the Rails tutorial (version 5.1 compatible) and made a portfolio, I wrote an article as a memorandum because I got stuck with form _with. I would appreciate it if you could comment if there are any mistakes.

I will summarize each error that occurred below.

flash is not displayed

Create a form to post the following articles


<%= form_with model: @post, url: yield(:form_url), method: yield(:method),
  local: true, multipart: true do |form| %>

・ ・ ・ Various forms

<% end %>

At first, I wrote it without setting local: true, but I was in trouble because I could not display the flash of successful posting. Apparently, form_with communicates using Ajax by default, which makes it impossible to display flash. (I do not understand the detailed principle)

File cannot be sent

This happened when creating a form to submit a pdf file like this:


<%= form_with model: @post, url: yield(:form_url), method: yield(:method),
  local: true, multipart: true do |form| %>

... other forms ...

<%= form.label :file, "pdf file", class: "control-label" %>
<%= form.file_field :file, class: "form-control-file" %>

<% end %>

We have introduced carrierwave for sending pdf files. The carrierwave settings will be summarized in a separate article. This time, it's a story after that. When I googled because the form could not be sent, I did not specify multipart: true in the argument of form_with. If you specify this, it seems that you can also send the file format. In Rails 4 and later, I wrote that multipart: true is implicitly specified if there is a description of file_field, but for some reason I was not done ...

About scope option

I referred to the following article.

I understand that the value you specify to send as strong parameters when you send the data as parameters. (Is it correct ...?)

At the end

I'm still not familiar with it, so I'll add it as soon as there are new discoveries. form_with It's deep ...

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