[PYTHON] When a Windows fatal exception: access violation occurs on the tensorboard

Most tensorboards don't work for some reason! The solution in that case seems to be to reinstall tensorflow and tensorboard, but it still didn't work, so it's a memorandum.

Excerpt from Official issues.

Execution environment

Windows10 tensorflow-gpu==1.15 tensorboard==1.15

Execution command

When there are logs files in the same directory

tensorbord --logdir=./logs --host=

 By the way, in my environment, it didn't work unless I specified host. (Refer to [this site](http://wshinya.hatenablog.com/entry/2018/10/04/112909) for host specification)

## solution
 Rename or delete checkpoint files in the same directory

## Digression
 This fixed it. Perhaps they collided with each other in a reference relationship.

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