[Python3] Take a screenshot of a web page on the server and crop it further


** What I wanted to do ** I want to take a screenshot of a web page on heroku and crop it with an HTML element.

problem When running PhantomJS with selenium, there is no method to get the location of the element position.

solution Execute Javascript with the ʻexecute_script function provided in the selenium.webdriver.PhantomJS` class.


** Python library **

Minimal code


from PIL import Image
from selenium import webdriver

driver = webdriver.PhantomJS()
driver.get("https://www.yahoo.co.jp")  # (1)
driver.save_screenshot("screenshot.png ")  # (2)

element_type = "Id"  # (3)
element_name = "topicsboxbd"  # (4)

before_script = """
                var element = document.getElementBy""" + element_type + "('" + element_name + """');
                var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); 
                """  # (5)
left = driver.execute_script(before_script + "return rect.left;")  # (6)
top = driver.execute_script(before_script + "return rect.top;")  # (6)

right = driver.execute_script(before_script + "return rect.width;") + left  # (7)
bottom = driver.execute_script(before_script + "return rect.height;") + top  # (7)

im = Image.open("screenshot.png ")  # (8) 
im = im.crop((left, top, right, bottom))  # (9)
im.save("screenshot_crop.png ")  # (10)


(1) --Specify the URL to take the screenshot. (2)-Save a screenshot of the entire page. (3) --Specify the attribute name (Id, Class, etc.) of the element in ʻelement_type. Anything is acceptable as long as it is in the Javascript getElementBy 〇〇 circle. So the string to be assigned must start with an uppercase letter. (4) --Specify the attribute value (main part such as id = "main") of the attribute specified in (3) of the element in ʻelement_name. (5) --Common part of the JS code to be executed (6) (7) --The Javascript code is executed by the driver.execute_script function to get the coordinates of the upper left and lower right of the element. (8)-Open the screenshot saved in (1). (9)-Crop the original screenshot using the coordinates obtained in (6) and (7). (10) --Save the cropped screenshot.

Execution result

screenshot.png Screenshot of the entire page screenshot.png

screenshot_crop.png Screenshot of screenshot.png cropped with ʻid = "topicsboxbd" `element screenshot_crop.png

When running on heroku

When I put PhantomJS on heroku and take a screenshot, Japanese is not displayed in the saved image as it is. By creating a .font directory in the root directory and inserting a ttf file (otf) that supports Japanese, Japanese will be displayed.

Using phantomjs on Heroku | Program Memo

I created my own module


from PIL import Image
from selenium import webdriver

class ScreenShot:
    def __init__(self, file_name_: str = "screenshot.png "):
        :type file_name_: str
        self._filename = file_name_
        self._driver = webdriver.PhantomJS()
        self._driver.set_window_size(1024, 768)
        self._crop_margin = 0

    def screen_shot(self, url_: str) -> bool:
        Take a screenshot of the specified url.
        :return: Success is True, Fail is False
        :param url_: the webpage to save screenshot
        except Exception as e:
            return False
        return True

    def screen_shot_crop(self, url_: str, search_element_name: str, search_element_type: str = "Id") -> bool:
        Take a screenshot of the specified class of the specified url destination.
        :return: Success is True, Fail is False
        :param url_: the webpage to save screenshot
        :param search_element_name: search to element name
        :param search_element_type: search to element type
        before_script = """
                        var element = document.getElementBy""" + search_element_type + "('" + search_element_name + """');
                        var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); 
            left = self._driver.execute_script(before_script + "return rect.left;") - self._crop_margin
            top = self._driver.execute_script(before_script + "return rect.top;")
            right = self._driver.execute_script(before_script + "return rect.width;") + left + self._crop_margin
            bottom = self._driver.execute_script(before_script + "return rect.height;") + top + self._crop_margin
        except Exception as e:
            return False
        im = Image.open(self._filename)
        im = im.crop((left, top, right, bottom))
        return True

    def set_file_name(self, filename_: str):
        self._filename = filename_

    def set_window_size(self, width_: int, height_: int):
        self._driver.set_window_size(width=width_, height=height_)

    def get_window_size(self) -> object:
        return self._driver.get_window_size()

    def set_crop_margin(self, crop_margin_: int):
        self._crop_margin = crop_margin_

    def ger_crop_margin(self) -> object:
        return self._crop_margin

    def __del__(self):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    #Specify the URL to take a screenshot
    screen_url = "https://www.yahoo.co.jp"
    #Specify the attribute of the element to crop
    element_type = "Id"
    #Specify the element name to crop
    element_name = "topicsboxbd"
    #Specify the save destination file name when creating an instance
    ss = ScreenShot("screenshot.png ")
    # screen_Save screenshot of url
    #Change the save destination file name
    ss.set_file_name("screenshot_crop.png ")
    # screen_url element_element of type attribute_Save a screenshot of the element named name
    ss.screen_shot_crop(screen_url, element_name, element_type)
    #Delete instance
    del ss

Located on GitHub

** Actual use example ** [Unofficial] Miyazaki University Support Division Notice BOT


python selenium phantomJS element.location returns wrong location - Stack Overflow

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