About the confirmation part when "Typy Error:'set' object is not reversible" is displayed when starting and accessing the server after creating the model (@ Python/jango)


This time, I'll touch on the errors that occurred during the Django app creation process.

TypyError:'set' object is not reversible

It occurred when the server was started and accessed after creating the model.

In conclusion, I made a typo, so I will check the contents.

Reference article

Error details

After editing models.py Start the server with the following command and access.

$ python manage.py runserver

スクリーンショット 2020-12-15 23.46.35.png


The description of urls.py in the application folder was as follows. ..

urlpatterns = {
    path('', views.index, name='index'),

Wrong: {}

Correct: []


I will continue to do my best while checking the basics!

Thank you to the creator of the article for your reference.

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