[Comma (,) is strictly prohibited in the address! ] Things to keep in mind when applying for an exam at Pearson VUE

When I was applying for an exam at Pearson VUE, I suddenly said "Account is restricted"

When I accessed Pearson VUE to take the Java bronze exam, entered all the necessary information such as address, name, and card number, and pressed the "Confirm reservation" button, the screen suddenly went blank. I had no choice but to start over ... I tried to sign in again, but

** "This account is currently restricted. Please contact Customer Service to cancel" **

The text is displayed and I can't sign in.

When I emailed the support center, the cause was found to be "comma (,)"

In order to have your account restricted, please fill out the inquiry form of Customer Service and send it. (You can also make inquiries by phone) I sent the form around 7 pm that night and received a polite reply from Pearson VUE at 10 am the next morning. It's quick!

The reply email says "We will start the cancellation procedure now" and the reason why we have exceeded the account restrictions is <img width = "734" alt = "address.png " src = "https: // qiita-" image-store.s3.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/0/513594/54ba97ba-531e-b1cf-80d0-50be74578cab.png ">

"Because the address contained a comma (,)," he said. When applying for an exam at Pearson VUE, I need to provide my address in ** English **, so I Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo The account was restricted because I wrote it separated by commas like.

By the way, three hours after receiving the procedure start email, I received an email saying "Notice of completion of usage restriction cancellation", and the account restriction was successfully lifted.

Use spaces to separate English addresses!

There are many ways to write an address in English, but when applying at Pearson VUE Shinjuku-ku Tokyo Enter them by separating them with a space like.

I hope this article helps someone.

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