[PYTHON] Perform DFT calculation with ASE and GPAW

Let's perform DFT calculation using ASE and GPAW. As a simple example, let's find the atomization energy of a hydrogen molecule.

--ASE is a Python module for atomic simulation. Many features are implemented. Various codes can be called using the Calculator class as an interface. --GPAW is a DFT calculation code based on the PAW method and ASE. Written in C and Python. Widely used.

The following example was executed using Jupyter Lab.


Install ASE and GPAW with pip in the Python environment built with Anaconda.

$ pip install ase --user
$ pip install gpaw --user

Also download the GPAW PAW dataset.

$ gpaw install-data $HOME/gpaw-data

This is the end of installation. At this stage, my environment is as follows.

$ python --version
Python 3.7.6
$ pip list installed | grep -e ase -e gpaw
ase                                3.19.1
gpaw                               20.1.0

GPAW calculation conditions

Instantiate the GPAW class under the following conditions.

--Cutoff energy: 300eV --Function: PBE

from gpaw import GPAW, PW

gpaw = GPAW(mode=PW(300), xc='PBE')

Create a model of hydrogen molecule

The ʻase.build module contains small molecule presets. You can create a ʻAtoms object, which is a three-dimensional molecular model, simply by passing the molecular formula to the molecule function. Since I want to calculate the isolated system this time, I call the center method of the created ʻAtoms` object and add a 3.0A vacuum layer to the model.

from ase.build import molecule

atoms_h2 = molecule('H2')

It can be visualized with the view function, so let's check the structure of the molecule.

from ase.visualize import view



Perform the calculation

If you associate the GPAW Calculator with the ʻAtoms object and call the get_potential_energy` function, the GPAW calculation will be executed.

e_h2 = atoms_h2.get_potential_energy() # takes several seconds

Calculation of hydrogen atom

The same calculation is performed for the hydrogen atom.

atoms_h = molecule('H')
atoms_h.set_calculator(GPAW(mode=PW(300), xc='PBE', hund=True))
e_h = atoms_h.get_potential_energy()

View results

Finally, let's summarize the results. The atomization energy $ \ Delta E $ of H 2 </ sub> can be obtained by the following equation.

\Delta E = 2 E_{\rm H} - E_{\rm H_2}

At the same time, I will display the molecular structure on the Notebook. Use the ʻase.visualize.plot` module, which is a wrapper for matplotlib.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ase.visualize.plot import plot_atoms

delta_e = 2 * e_h - e_h2
print(f'Atomization Energy: {delta_e: 5.2f} eV')

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8,6))

title = f'Calculation Result for {atoms_h2.get_chemical_formula()}\n' + \
        f'Total Energy : {atoms_h2.get_potential_energy(): 5.2f} eV'
plot_atoms(atoms_h2, ax=ax[0], rotation='90x')

title = f'Calculation Result for {atoms_h.get_chemical_formula()}\n' + \
        f'Total Energy : {atoms_h.get_potential_energy(): 5.2f} eV'
plot_atoms(atoms_h, ax=ax[1], rotation='90x')




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