[Linux] [AWS Lambda] Cron format setting manual


Regarding the Cron format that enables scheduled execution when performing things such as website crawling and server life and death monitoring database backup on a regular basis, setting methods and setting examples on Linux and setting methods on AWS Lambda Here is a summary of setting examples.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for solving the problem by borrowing the wisdom of our predecessors, and I am very sorry to say that I will summarize it here as my own memo.


1. Setting method / setting example in Linux

1-1. Format

<Minutes> <Time> <Day> <Moon> <曜Day> <command>

1-2. Parameters

--All parameters are required. --The time zone is UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) only and cannot be changed. <font color = # 0000FF> ** To specify as JST (Japan Standard Time), it is necessary to set "-9 hours" to UTC (minus 9 hours). ** --Specifying less than minutes (in seconds) is not supported.

No. field value Wildcard
1 Minutes 0~59 「/」(Slash)、「*」(asterisk)「-」(hyphen)、「,」(comma)
2 Time 0~23 「/」(Slash)、「*」(asterisk)「-」(hyphen)、「,」(comma)
3 Day 1~31 「/」(Slash)、「*」(asterisk)「-」(hyphen)、「,」(comma)
4 Moon 1-12 or JAN-DEC 「/」(Slash)、「*」(asterisk)「-」(hyphen)、「,」(comma)
5 Day of the week 1-7 or SUN-SAT 「/」(Slash)、「*」(asterisk)「-」(hyphen)、「,」(comma)
6 command 任意のcommand (None)

1-3. Wildcard

--Specifying less than minutes (in seconds) is not supported. --When you actually specify it, you do not need to write "" in the wildcard.

No. letter Definition Setting Example
1 「/」(Slash) Specify the increment Field 0/10は、10Minutesごとに実行が発生する。5/15は、5・20・35・50Minutesなどを意味する。
2 「*」(asterisk) Specify all values フィールドで使用した場合、その月のすべてのDayが設定される。
3 「-」(hyphen) Specify the range 8-For 10, 8/9 and 10 are set.
4 「,」(comma) Specify additional values Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday are set for SUN, MON, and TUE, respectively.

1-4. Setting example


#8 am daily(UTC)To'backup.py'To run
 0 8 * * * source ~/venv_<Project name>/bin/activate; cd ~/venv_<Project name>/<Project name>; python manage.py backup > ~/cron.log 2>&1

#11:45 pm daily(UTC)Reload Nginx to
 45 23 * * * sudo systemctl reload nginx.service

#17:30 on the first day of every month(UTC)Let's Renew Encrypt SSL certificate
 30 17 1 * * /home/<Superuser>/certbot/certbot-auto renew -q --renew-hook "/usr/bin/sysytemctl reload nginx.service"
 30 17 1 * * /home/<Superuser>/certbot/certbot-auto renew -q --renew-hook "/usr/bin/sysytemctl reload nginx.service"

#Monday-Friday(UTC)Pings a static IP every 5 minutes
 0/5 * * MON-FRI * ping <Elastic IP>
 0/5 * * 2-6 * ping <Elastic IP>

2. Setting method / setting example in AWS Lambda

2-1. Format

cron <Minutes> <Time> <Day> <Moon> <曜Day> <Year>

2-2. Parameters

--All parameters are required. --The time zone is UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) only and cannot be changed. <font color = # 0000FF> ** To specify as JST (Japan Standard Time), it is necessary to set "-9 hours" to UTC (minus 9 hours). ** --Specifying less than minutes (in seconds) is not supported. --When you actually specify it, you do not need to write "" in the wildcard.

No. field value Wildcard
1 Minutes 0~59 「/」(Slash)、「*」(asterisk)、「-」(hyphen)、「,」(comma)
2 Time 0~23 「W」、「L」、「/」(Slash)、「?」(Question mark)、「*」(asterisk)、「-(hyphen)、「,」(comma)
3 Day 1~31 「/」(Slash)、「*」(asterisk)、「-」(hyphen)、「,」(comma)
4 Moon 1-12 or JAN-DEC 「/」(Slash)、「*」(asterisk)、「-」(hyphen)、「,」(comma)
5 Day of the week 1-7 or SUN-SAT 「#」(sharp)、「L」、「/」(Slash)、「?」(Question mark)、「*」(asterisk)、「-」(hyphen)、「,」(comma)
6 Year 1970~2199 「/」(Slash)、「*」(asterisk)、「-」(hyphen)、「,」(comma)

2-3. Wildcard

--Specifying less than minutes (in seconds) is not supported. --When you actually specify it, you do not need to write "" in the wildcard. --The value for either day or week must be a "?" (Question mark).

No. letter Definition Setting Example
1 「/」(Slash) Specify the increment Field 0/10は、10Minutesごとに実行が発生する。5/15は、5・20・35・50Minutesなどを意味する。
2 「L」 Specify "last" フィールドに指定された場合は、その月の末Dayが設定される。②フィールドに指定された場合は、そのweekの最後の曜Day(=土曜Day)が設定される。
3 「W」 Specify weekdays When specified with a date (Example: 3/W, etc.), the weekday closest to the 3rd of the month is set. If the 3rd is Saturday, it will be executed on Friday the day before. If the 3rd is a Sunday, it will be executed on the following Monday.
4 「#」(sharp) Specify the nth day of the month 4#If you specify 3, the third Wednesday of the month is set. (* Wednesday = 4th of 7 days a week)
5 「*」(asterisk) Specify all values フィールドで使用した場合、その月のすべてのDayが設定される。
6 「?」(Question mark) Do not specify a value Set with another specified value. As an example, if you specify a specific date, but run it on any day of the week.
7 「-」(hyphen) Specify the range 8-For 10, 8/9 and 10 are set.
8 「,」(comma) Specify additional values Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday are set for SUN, MON, and TUE, respectively.

2-4. Setting example

#8 am daily(UTC)To run
cron(0 8 * * ? *)

#12:45 pm daily(UTC)To run
cron(45 12 * * ? *)

#Monday-Friday 5:30 pm(UTC)To run
cron(30 17 ? * MON-FRI *)
cron(30 17 ? * 2-6 *)

#Monday-Friday(UTC)Runs every 5 minutes
cron(0/5 * ? * MON-FRI *)
cron(0/5 * ? * 2-6 *)


AWS official website (Lambda): Scheduled expression using Rate or Cron (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ja_jp/lambda/latest/dg/services-cloudwatchevents-expressions.html) Rule schedule formula (English)

(Editor's note)

It's easy to forget the time difference between JST and UTC (▲ 9 hours). Even though I want to move it at night at the end of the month, it moves in the daytime at the beginning of the month and an alert is raised! I decided to always look at this manual when setting so that there is no such thing.

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