CI for Maven project at CircleCI

Continuing from the article below, I'll try using CircleCI this time.

CircleCI You can register here. There is only a way to link with Github or Bitbucket, so please give up on other repositories (laugh)


There are a lot of templates, and a library-like thing that summarizes jobs called Orb is distributed, so it seems that the build environment of major places is in place. You can also build .NET, Android, etc.

The connection to Github is done as ** Authorized OAuth Apps **. It will be registered in [Settings]-[Applications]-[Authorized OAuth Apps] of your Github account. (Internally, it seems to be a connection with an SSH key.)

It also supports the cache function.

The OS image supports Linux, Windows, macOS, but I was able to pull various Docker images, which was helpful this time.


I think the free plan can withstand personal hobby use, but be aware that the OS image is only compatible with Linux or Windows. Other than that, you will be charged monthly. It seems that the amount difference between the plans is large, but if you look at the bottom, it is a billing system (monthly amount) according to the number of team members and usage amount.

I think it's easy to estimate if the project has stable CI operation. On the other hand, for a project that is maintained and developed for a certain period of time and goes around a lot, but does not go around much during other operations, it costs a minimum monthly fee without doing anything, so I would like to identify and use that area.

And in the case of OSS

Offer 400,000 monthly credits to customers with free plans

However, it seems that only Linux can be used (from the FAQ at, so be careful.

An on-premises version is also available for the enterprise (contact us).


It is an image of a long-established store. Therefore, it is currently version 2.1, but when I searched for it, I found a lot of information from the old days, and it was a little difficult to get to the information in the current version.

Also, it seems that the UI of the website is being changed, and the new UI and the old UI are transitioning in a mess, so I am quite confused as to "How do I get back to that screen?" It says that you won't be able to see the old screen after April 15th, so it may calm down after that.

The markdown information when attaching a status badge etc. provides a page where you can set your own project, branch name etc. and copy and paste it in the old UI, but in the new UI it is that It's a bit inconvenient because the page is gone and only the sample is on the general explanation page.

Also, I can't run the workflow manually. (Although you can [Rerun] the executed one)


Only use the yml file. Create a directory called .circleci directly under the root of the project and place config.yml under it.

Ultimately, here's a setup that worked well for build and testing.


version: 2.1

      - image: 'cimg/openjdk:11.0.6'
      - checkout
      - run: 
          name: Build and test
          command: mvn clean install 
      - store_artifacts:
          path: repository/target/repository.jar
      - store_artifacts:
          path: serverapi/target/serverapi.war
      - run:
          name: Save test results
          command: |
            mkdir -p ~/test-results/junit/
            find . -type f -regex ".*/target/surefire-reports/.*xml" -exec cp {} ~/test-results/junit/ \;
          when: always
      - store_test_results:
          path: ~/test-results
      - store_artifacts:
          path: ~/test-results/junit

  version: 2
      - build:
                  only: feature/for_circleci

If you select Java (Maven) in the first template, it will create one using Orb, but in this image it is said that there is no jar in the submodule repository, and it depends on it. The submodule build has failed.

I tried and errored because it seemed that I could specify the JDK version with ctag of Executor for Orb, but I couldn't pass it well probably because I didn't understand yml.

Therefore, by referring to the Orb source code and using the Docker image as described above, it became possible to build with the latest version of OpenJDK 11 (LTS version), and it became successful.

Maven Orb page

The steps are as follows.

Job build

--docker section --Specify the path of the image dropped from --steps section


For the build job, I have a filter setting that limits the branch to festival / for_circleci.


The (*) part of the step explanation does not support wildcards and regular expression path specifications!

This is very troublesome ...

For example, in Maven pom, you can specify the file name of the product with the <build> <fileName> tag, but this specification is optional. If not specified, the default is


You can give it a name like this. It comes with a version. This is easier to understand, but if you do this, you will have to rewrite the artifact file name of yml later when you upgrade the version, which is very inconvenient.

So this time, in this project, I tried to solve the problem by fixing it as repository.jar with the<build> <fileName>tag, but this will tell you the version after downloading the product. It may be difficult and difficult.

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